Help: pull

The "pull" command:

Usage: fossil pull ?URL? ?options?

Pull all sharable changes from a remote repository into the local
repository.  Sharable changes include public check-ins, edits to
wiki pages, tickets, and tech-notes, as well as forum content.  Add
the --private option to pull private branches.  Use the
"configuration pull" command to pull website configuration details.

If URL is not specified, then the URL from the most recent clone, push,
pull, remote-url, or sync command is used.  See "fossil help clone" for
details on the URL formats.


  -B|--httpauth USER:PASS    Credentials for the simple HTTP auth protocol,
                             if required by the remote website
  --from-parent-project      Pull content from the parent project
  --ipv4                     Use only IPv4, not IPv6
  --once                     Do not remember URL for subsequent syncs
  --private                  Pull private branches too
  --project-code CODE        Use CODE as the project code
  --proxy PROXY              Use the specified HTTP proxy
  -R|--repository REPO       Local repository to pull into
  --ssl-identity FILE        Local SSL credentials, if requested by remote
  --ssh-command SSH          Use SSH as the "ssh" command
  -v|--verbose               Additional (debugging) output
  --verily                   Exchange extra information with the remote
                             to ensure no content is overlooked

See also: clone, config pull, push, remote-url, sync